
...more than a school, a way of life.

Somerset House School is housed in the original buildings of the Cloetenburg farm. The farmstead – one of the oldest in Somerset West – is named after Catherine Cloete who, in 1720, bought a portion of what had been Willem Adriaan van der Stel’s Vergelegen estate. The gable was added in 1785. The property changed hands (and appearance) many times. In 1948 Somerset House School was founded by Dr and Mrs Haydock and was originally situated in Station Road in Somerset West. In 1950 the school moved to its present site and the Cloetenburg homestead, formerly Oatlands Guest House, became a school.

Now a National Monument, the building Cloetenburg forms the heart of the school. It houses the dining room, kitchen, staff room, archives, Head and Admission offices.

The Ould Hall Art Centre, also known as the “Barn”, the “Carriage House and Stables” as well as the “Buttress Building”, was used as the school hall from 1976 until the library moved there in 1988.  It was renovated in 2013 and is now the Ould Hall Art Centre, home to a full storage facility, class working space, senior upstairs space and exhibition space.

The Guild Hall Knowledge Centre, originally a wine cellar, served as the nursery school until 1987.  It was then renovated and became the school hall until 2008 when it was sub divided for use as Grade 7 classrooms.  Recent renovation has seen this old building converted into a cutting-edge Knowledge Centre, where children can access books, work with media and technology, and enjoy the flexible space for any number of educational activities.

The beautiful buildings and oak trees are a valued and important part of the ethos of Somerset House. Undoubtedly this tranquil environment fosters an appreciation of beauty within the children fortunate enough to spend their primary school years here.

Our Mission

Somerset House is an independent preparatory school that strives to provide an excellent all-round education for children preparing them thoroughly for their futures.

Our Philosophy​

Somerset House is a family school and is welcoming to all. Somerset House endeavours to teach us all to live unselfishly, considering others. Non Nobis Solum. 

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We aim to provide an environment and ethos within which children can thrive. We do this by providing the following:

  • A stimulating and challenging academic programme, emphasising child-centred education, and the development of life-long learning habits and self-discipline
  • A learning orientation in which creative and critical thinking skills are prioritised and curiosity and initiative are encouraged
  • A values-based environment which promotes respect, understanding and empathy, based on the school’s Christian heritage
  • Experiences and initiatives which foster a deep appreciation and celebration of diversity and inclusion
  • A comprehensive sporting, cultural, artistic, and extra-mural curriculum which both supplements and strengthens the academic programme
    an extensive outdoor development programme which teaches self-awareness, leadership, courage, and a profound appreciation of the natural world
  • Highly-committed teachers and staff who demonstrate the highest standards of their craft and who care deeply for the children entrusted to them

Our Purpose

Who we are

Somerset House is an established, independent, and co-educational pre-primary and preparatory school (grades 000 to 7) situated in the heart of Somerset West.

Our extensive campus offers children a unique natural setting rich with trees and open spaces. Historical buildings house modern classrooms, specialised learning centres, technology hubs and a shared dining room, the heart of the school. Children find themselves in a safe and nurturing space in which self-belief, independent thought, and joy flourish.

Our motto, “Non nobis solum”, not for ourselves alone, is at the core of our ethos. It is lived, cherished, and celebrated by staff, pupils and their families, alumni, and friends of the school.