
...more than a school, a way of life.

Oakwood is undoubtedly the busiest part of our school. A place of learning through play where children get to be the best they can be – celebrating their strengths and unique individuality in readiness for the demands of formal schooling.

Both the Oakwood and Junior Primary staff ensure that the transition is seamless between the different phases of the school.

The Oakwood curriculum is carefully based on modern trends and the latest research, best practice and in keeping with the needs of 21st century learning.

We aim to educate the children for life – encouraging independence, self-sufficiency and a true passion for learning. In building a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem allows a child the opportunity to develop sound and innovative problem- solving skills, creative thinking skills, exercising self -discipline, accountability and resilience.

We follow the Singapore Numeracy programme which allows for “out the box” thinking skills. Our literacy programme uses the Letterland programme in Grade 000, where it transitions to Jolly Phonics in Grade 00 to ensure the transition to the Floppy Phonics approach when they begin their formal reading tuition in Grade 1 in the Junior Primary. The emotional intelligence of our children is paramount, their sense of well- being and the opportunity to develop life skills that will hold them in good stead for their future endeavours to achieve and achieve their true potential.

The Oakwood journey of learning prepares a child for the formal learning environment at the Prep school. We strongly believe that each child learns at their own individual, and unique pace – the curriculum, daily and weekly planning are therefore scaffolded, differentiated and tailor made to allow every child the opportunity to make the very best of the stimulating, exciting learning experiences that are provided according to their specific learning needs.

  • To develop a child’s emotional intelligence and the ability to demonstrate the qualities of resilience, accountability and the empathic consideration of others.
  • To develop the necessary social skills in order for them to develop meaningful relationships with their peers, work collaboratively and enjoy healthy friendships.
  • To develop a child’s cognitive and scholastic ability having ensured that their pre- reading and pre- writing perceptual skills, gross and fine motor skills are honed to the best of their ability.
  • Oakwood is an integrated and inclusive learning environment where differences are celebrated! Should children experience a developmental lag in any particular learning area, early intervention is recommended where necessary to ensure timeous intercession.
  • We endeavour to create an experience where children have an inherent love of learning and strive to be and feel their true self- worth!

Our Mission

Somerset House is an independent preparatory school that strives to provide an excellent all-round education for children preparing them thoroughly for their futures.

Our Philosophy​

Somerset House is a family school and is welcoming to all. Somerset House endeavours to teach us all to live unselfishly, considering others. Non Nobis Solum. 

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We aim to provide an environment and ethos within which children can thrive. We do this by providing the following:

  • A stimulating and challenging academic programme, emphasising child-centred education, and the development of life-long learning habits and self-discipline
  • A learning orientation in which creative and critical thinking skills are prioritised and curiosity and initiative are encouraged
  • A values-based environment which promotes respect, understanding and empathy, based on the school’s Christian heritage
  • Experiences and initiatives which foster a deep appreciation and celebration of diversity and inclusion
  • A comprehensive sporting, cultural, artistic, and extra-mural curriculum which both supplements and strengthens the academic programme
    an extensive outdoor development programme which teaches self-awareness, leadership, courage, and a profound appreciation of the natural world
  • Highly-committed teachers and staff who demonstrate the highest standards of their craft and who care deeply for the children entrusted to them

Our Purpose

Who we are

Somerset House is an established, independent, and co-educational pre-primary and preparatory school (grades 000 to 7) situated in the heart of Somerset West.

Our extensive campus offers children a unique natural setting rich with trees and open spaces. Historical buildings house modern classrooms, specialised learning centres, technology hubs and a shared dining room, the heart of the school. Children find themselves in a safe and nurturing space in which self-belief, independent thought, and joy flourish.

Our motto, “Non nobis solum”, not for ourselves alone, is at the core of our ethos. It is lived, cherished, and celebrated by staff, pupils and their families, alumni, and friends of the school.