Quest offers Grade 7 pupils at Somerset House a unique rite of passage; an epic physical adventure which celebrates pupils’ development, achievement, friendship, camaraderie and memories; and helps prepare them for life, before graduating from Grade 7 and embarking on their journeys to High School and beyond. Pupils will have the opportunity to:
- Build fitness and physical capability
- Practice the discipline of preparedness and training
- Learn independence, maturity and problem-solving
- Develop confidence in the outdoors
- Find self-belief, and overcome self-doubt
- Strengthen teamwork and leadership skills
- Honour Somerset House’s values and tradition, and embrace change
- Forge camaraderie and capture life-long memories, and
- Thrive! … and pioneer a new Somerset House tradition.
A key element to the journey is community outreach and partnerships along the way – finding places that pupils can practise the school ethos of Non Nobis Solum – Not for ourselves alone.
Quest will deliver an exploration of the External Environment, the Team Environment, and pupils’ Personal Environment:
- The External Environment will be explored, including: The Helderberg geographic area and beyond, its eco-systems, fauna, flora, adventurous experiences, visual beauty and iconic landmarks.
- The Team Environment, will be explored, including: Mutual respect, identifying individuals’ diverse strengths and weaknesses, team dynamics, understanding types of leadership, conflict-resolution, developing common purpose and trust.
- The Personal Environment will be explored, including: Resilience, patience, stamina, vulnerability, motivation, self-belief, courage, innovation, responsibility, respect, accomplishment and delight.