
...more than a school, a way of life.

Quest offers Grade 7 pupils at Somerset House a unique rite of passage; an epic physical adventure which celebrates pupils’ development, achievement, friendship, camaraderie and memories; and helps prepare them for life, before graduating from Grade 7 and embarking on their journeys to High School and beyond. Pupils will have the opportunity to:

  • Build fitness and physical capability
  • Practice the discipline of preparedness and training
  • Learn independence, maturity and problem-solving
  • Develop confidence in the outdoors
  • Find self-belief, and overcome self-doubt
  • Strengthen teamwork and leadership skills
  • Honour Somerset House’s values and tradition, and embrace change
  • Forge camaraderie and capture life-long memories, and
  • Thrive! … and pioneer a new Somerset House tradition.

A key element to the journey is community outreach and partnerships along the way – finding places that pupils can practise the school ethos of Non Nobis Solum – Not for ourselves alone.

Quest will deliver an exploration of the External Environment, the Team Environment, and pupils’ Personal Environment:

  • The External Environment will be explored, including: The Helderberg geographic area and beyond, its eco-systems, fauna, flora, adventurous experiences, visual beauty and iconic landmarks.
  • The Team Environment, will be explored, including: Mutual respect, identifying individuals’ diverse strengths and weaknesses, team dynamics, understanding types of leadership, conflict-resolution, developing common purpose and trust.
  • The Personal Environment will be explored, including: Resilience, patience, stamina, vulnerability, motivation, self-belief, courage, innovation, responsibility, respect, accomplishment and delight.

Our Mission

Somerset House is an independent preparatory school that strives to provide an excellent all-round education for children preparing them thoroughly for their futures.

Our Philosophy​

Somerset House is a family school and is welcoming to all. Somerset House endeavours to teach us all to live unselfishly, considering others. Non Nobis Solum. 

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We aim to provide an environment and ethos within which children can thrive. We do this by providing the following:

  • A stimulating and challenging academic programme, emphasising child-centred education, and the development of life-long learning habits and self-discipline
  • A learning orientation in which creative and critical thinking skills are prioritised and curiosity and initiative are encouraged
  • A values-based environment which promotes respect, understanding and empathy, based on the school’s Christian heritage
  • Experiences and initiatives which foster a deep appreciation and celebration of diversity and inclusion
  • A comprehensive sporting, cultural, artistic, and extra-mural curriculum which both supplements and strengthens the academic programme
    an extensive outdoor development programme which teaches self-awareness, leadership, courage, and a profound appreciation of the natural world
  • Highly-committed teachers and staff who demonstrate the highest standards of their craft and who care deeply for the children entrusted to them

Our Purpose

Who we are

Somerset House is an established, independent, and co-educational pre-primary and preparatory school (grades 000 to 7) situated in the heart of Somerset West.

Our extensive campus offers children a unique natural setting rich with trees and open spaces. Historical buildings house modern classrooms, specialised learning centres, technology hubs and a shared dining room, the heart of the school. Children find themselves in a safe and nurturing space in which self-belief, independent thought, and joy flourish.

Our motto, “Non nobis solum”, not for ourselves alone, is at the core of our ethos. It is lived, cherished, and celebrated by staff, pupils and their families, alumni, and friends of the school.